Hi and welcome to Book A Better Me!

Why should you join a book club?

Being someone who is a book enthusiast, I encourage more and more people to read. After observing a lot of people and readers, I have realised that people don’t read for 3 major reasons. They are:

  1. They don’t know where to start.

  2. They can’t concentrate on reading for a long time.

  3. They don’t have enough time to read the books.

A book club solves all the three problems. A book club handpicks the books so you don’t have to worry about reading something that is boring and waste of time. Since, book club shares the summary, 2nd and 3rd problem, you can read it in short time and can practice concentrating on reading. Once you are confident you can even move to reading books on your own.

Why subscribe?

Here, at Book A Better Me, I make sure that the books you get in newsletter are worthy of your time and you can learn something from them. I take one book per month, I read it completely make notes and then make a summary so that you can learn all that you need from the book in that summary. I choose the best of the books so that you can become your best self. Every time you subscribe it gives me the motivation to read more and read better books, so that what you get in your email is of premium quality.

Subscribing also makes sure that you get the summary delivered in your mail box and you don’t have to check the site again and again to learn something new.

I don’t spam your inbox, you will get 1 newsletter each month that too at month end.

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January edition Book A Better Me: 12 Rules For Life

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Book Club for people who want to know book content in small dose


I read books. I also write stories, articles and poems. I have a podcast.